
In the recent past the issue of the missio Dei played an important role in the discussions about the mission of the church as God’s instrument in the world in missionary work and theological training. This contribution focuses on the study of the Old Testament and its role and message for the mission of the church as well as for theological training. After discussing some aspects of the missio Dei , a number of examples of the use of the Old Testament in this regard are discussed as well as the way the message of the Book of Ezekiel may contribute to understanding the missional task of the church.


  • Die afgelope 60 jaar is die begrip missio Dei op verskillende maniere geïnterpreteer in die teologiese debat oor die taak van die kerk in die wêreld, oor die verhouding tussen missiologie en die ander teologiese dissiplines, en oor teologiese opleiding

  • Hiervolgens is die kerk net ’n instrument in God se hande, want die missio Dei sê dat sending God se werk is en dat dit in die optrede van God self begrond is

  • Barth het ’n belangrike invloed op die konferensie in Willingen uitgeoefen waar sending in die konteks van

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Die missio Dei en die bestudering van die Ou Testament

Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. In the recent past the issue of the missio Dei played an important role in the discussions about the mission of the church as God’s instrument in the world in missionary work and theological training. This contribution focuses on the study of the Old Testament and its role and message for the mission of the church as well as for theological training. In die laaste gedeelte word gelet op die bestudering van die Ou Testament as ’n deel van teologiese opleiding en die verhouding daarvan tot die missio Dei

Enkele beskouings van die missio Dei
Open Access
Enkele beskouings van die Ou Testament en die missio Dei
Missio Dei in Esegiël
Mededingende belange
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