
huge number of critical comments on Kafka, some important works of this writer can still be called the commentators' despair and remain un-decoded. The present article explores presence of a leit-motiv in several Kafka's works (the language of persecution and depiction of victimization processes), along with ethical and epistemological questions it arouses. In this light, several recurrent elements in Kafka's works (violence, slander, unjust trials, loneliness of main characters, collective nature of power agencies, or presence of figure of spectator in violent situations) are explained in a unified way. Moreover, it is argued that Kafka has reflected in his writings difficulties to detect vio- lence inflicted in victimary circles, and perversion of truth that it implies. The question arises whether Kafka could reflect in works as Die Verwandlung that perversion (and whether it would be possible in this way to understand why such a work has not been decoded so far).

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