
The marriage arrangements in the Jerusalem Temple cult in opposition to Christian values. Equal access for everyone to God's grace in an unmediated way is a central aspect of Jesus' presentation of the Kingdom of God. Inclusivity and egalitarity should be regarded as essential aspects of Christian selfunderstanding. This article aims to show how these values stood in opposition to the marriage arrangements in the Jerusalem Temple cult. Marriage strategies during the patriarchal and monarchical periods prior to the first-century Jerusalem Temple cult are also briefly touched upon. In a following up article the author will argue that Paul's use of the notion "adopted as children of God" should be seen as an expression of the Christian values advocated within an inclusive and egalitarian community.


  • Equal access for everyone to God's grace in an unmediated way is a central aspect of Jesus' presentation of the Kingdom of God

  • This article aims to show how these values stood in opposition to the marriage arrangements in the Jerusalem Temple cult

  • In a following up article the author will argue that Paul's use of the notion "adopted as children of God" should be seen as an expression of the Christian values advocated within an inclusive and egalitarian community

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In twee opeenvolgende artikels 1 gaan ek probeer om 'n saak daarvoor uit te maak dat die uitdrukking "aanneming tot kind van God" (vio(Jeu[a) verstaan behoort te word teen die agtergrond van 'n spesifieke konteks. Die tweede artikel fokus op die argument dat Paulus die term ., aanneming tot kind" (vio(Jeu[a) bruikbaar geag het om die evangeliese waardes te beklemtoon dat alle mense gelyke toegang tot die genade van God het. In hierdie artikel word geredeneer dat hierdie waardes geformuleer is teen onder andere die Jerusalemse tempelkultus se huwelikmaatreels. Nerens kan egter aangetoon word dat enigeen van die skrywers van die Nuwe Testament self doelbewus die waardes van "inklusiwiteit" en "egalariteit" teegestaan of bestry het nie. In hierdie eerste van twee artikels word aandag gegee aan die konvensionele opvattings van die Jerusalemse tempelkultus. Die klem word veral gele op die huweliksmaatreels wat binne hierdie kultus gegeld het

Priesters 2 Leviete 3 Volbloed Israeliete
Markus 12
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