
Die ICG Schiedsgerichtsordnung in der Praxis, by Erich Schafer, Herman Verbist and Christophe Imhoos. Published by Economica Verlag, (Bonn 2000, 281pp.). Price DM78. ISBN 3-87081-292-3. The increasing importance of Germany, German law and the German language to international commercial arbitration has manifested itself vividly in recent years. Among other developments, Germany momentously replaced Chapter 10 of its Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung) as of 1 January 1998 with an entirely new body of legislation respecting both domestic and international arbitration. Chapter 10 of the ZPO, as many practitioners have come to know it, is modelled closely but not entirely on the UNCITRAL Model Law, and is thus a readily accessible and workable piece of arbitration legislation, whether considered in its original German or in readily available translation. The enactment of the new Chapter 10 was consistent with the growing importance of German merchants as parties to cross-border arbitration agreements and proceedings. It also followed hard upon the active and marked participation of German-speaking practitioners, arbitrators and other commentators in the continuing development of arbitration jurisprudence and practice over the last several decades. German-language arbitration had in fact already thrived for years, including most notably in Switzerland and in Austria, but the enactment of the new German arbitration law was a further confirmation of the integral role of German industry, legal practice and academia in the development of international commercial arbitration. Parallel to the entry into force of the new Chapter 10 of the ZPO was the enactment of the latest version of the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce as of 1 January 1998. Accordingly, international commerce between and relating …

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