
The healing power of just forgiveness, without excusing injustice. Justice is closely related to forgiveness and the extent of the injustice gap experienced depends on how much or how little personal justice a wounded person desires. The experience of forgiveness includes two diverse forms of forgiveness: decisional and emotional forgiveness. Decisional forgiveness is controlling humans’ behavioural intentions, while emotional forgiveness replaces negative, unforgiving emotions with positive, other-orientated emotions. A victim may make a decision to forgive, but never feels emotional peace about the decision to forgive. Both decisional and emotional forgiveness are experienced internally within a wounded person and depends on the social context of the transgression and the response to it. Justice can narrow the injustice gap, but rarely closes it, while forgiveness can heal the pain within the injustice gap. The sense of desired justice is to some degree justifiable, but by granting decisional forgiveness and experiencing emotional forgiveness a wounded person can slow down if not stop ruminating vengeful thoughts. Christians can forgive transgression and wrongdoing because they are responding in gratitude to God’s mercy, loving-kindness and forgiveness through Jesus’ death on the cross. God guides Christian believers through the example of Jesus’s humility to forgive wrongdoing and ultimately grow spiritually when Jesus requires decisional forgiveness and desires emotional forgiveness between victim and offender. Forgiveness is based on God’s forgiveness, while humans tend to both forgive and also pursue justice without excusing injustice. Humans are in their own power incapable of justly forgiving transgression, but God can guide people through the Holy Spirit to just forgiveness.


  • Mense maak foute, benader die wêreld verskillend en is uitgelewer aan hul eie swakhede, persoonlikhede, gedrag en behoeftes

  • Die ervaring dat geregtigheid plaasgevind het, bevredig persoonlike motiewe wat mense aktiveer om na die onreg eerder te vergewe en nie vergelding en wraak vir die oortreding na te streef nie

  • Geregtigheid en regverdige vergifnis kan mense motiveer om die onreg-gaping en hul aandrang op die regverdiging van vergelding prys te gee

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Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. A victim may make a decision to forgive, but never feels emotional peace about the decision to forgive Both decisional and emotional forgiveness are experienced internally within a wounded person and depends on the social context of the transgression and the response to it. Forgiveness is based on God’s forgiveness, while humans tend to both forgive and pursue justice without excusing injustice Humans are in their own power incapable of justly forgiving transgression, but God can guide people through the Holy Spirit to just forgiveness. Christene kan regverdige vergifnis in relasionele konteks nastreef wanneer hulle die ervaring van onreg verstaan en dit binne die konteks van sonde en verlossing onderskei, sonder die kondonering of verskoning vir die onreg wat gepleeg is

Geregtigheid en onreg
Open Access
Vergifnis en regverdige vergifnis
Vergifnis verbind met geregtigheid
Geregtigheid en beskeidenheid
Hantering van onvergewensgesindheid
Morele dilemmas en konflikte
Morele impak van onreg
Vergifnis isn handeling
Vergifnis en die nastreef van Christelike etiek
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