
Contemporary Western culture. In dealing with problems besetting contemporary Western culture, the author looks at certain developments. The article deals, in the first place, with a brief overview of the development of Western culture, from the era of the Corpus Christianum to the cultural process which led to the disintegration of the Corpus, viz. the process of secularization. Against the background of this process, there is a focus on two aspects of secularization of great importance for this paper, viz. Man and history and science and technology. The situation is seen to be one hovering between presumption or arrogance and impotence, a sense of anguish inculcated by unbridled development of technology. This sense of angst has caused man to react in certain characteristic ways, and two of these, viz. horizontalism/mysticism and utilirarianism/social romanticism, are discussed. A final similar contrasting pair which can be linked to the polarities of arrogance and impotence would be revolutionary activism and inner emigration. The final point to be made is whether one has to think in terms of judging this inherent opposition in contemporary cultural thought - and what challenge is offered to the church in disseminating the traditional news within a contemporary cultural context.


  • The a rticle deals, in the fir s t place, w ith a b rie f overview of the development of Western cu ltu re, from the era of the Corpus C hristianum to the cu ltu ra l process which led to the disinte gra tion of the C orpus, viz. the process of secularization

  • The situ a tio n is seen to be one h o v e rin g betw een p re s u m p tio n o r a rro gance and impotence, a sense of anguish inculcated by u nbridled development of technology

  • In d ie n h y h ie r d ie keuse sou maak en opnuut sou v r a na d ie oorsprong , d ie aa rd en die bestemming van die mens, mag hy ontdek dat die spa nning tussen oormoed en onmag nie in die e e rs te p le k in die kultuur le nie, maar eerder in die menslike n a tu u r self sy o o rs p ro n g het

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Sonder om in te gaan op die h is to rie s e o o rs p ro n g e van d ie W esterse k u lt u u r , die b e la n g rik e invloed van die antieke G riekse en Joods -C h ris te lik e tra disies op die g ro n d le g g in g da arvan en die rol wat sosio-politieke om standighede gespeel het om d it in n vaste b e dding te s tu u r, kan met ste lligh eid aanvaar w o rd d a t die aanvangsfase van die Westerse k u ltu u r in vele op sig te d iffu u s w as. D a a rd e u r is die W esterse k u lt u u r nie alleen k e r k lik gekonso lid eertot 'neenhe id s k u ltu u r nie, maar boonop gesanks io n e e r as d ie k u ltu r e le uitdrukking van die waardes en beginsels van die C h ris te lik e godsdiens (Weiler, 1969:31-42). Die k u ltu u rb e e ld van die C o rp u s C h ris tia n u m , soos gesim boliseer d e u r die kate d ra a l, is dié van n eenheid skultuu r onder die voogdyskap van die C hriste like ke rk

W etenskap en tegniek
H orisontalism e en mistiek
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