
In this article the theological term (creational) revelation is discussed in relation with the term divine law. The law itself is revelation. The significance of these terms for other scholarly disciplines, in particular for philosophy, is briefly discussed. Tradition distinguishes between general and special revelation. It is argued that any such distinction is necessarily founded in a cosmological view of creational reality. In this context, it is attempted to refute both the notions of natural and of supranatural theology. Some words on the relevant passage in Romans 1:20, 21 are added to this argument. Finally, the essential philosophical question is discussed whether, and in what way, science is oriented upon God’s creational revelation. Both the negation of such a relationship and the overestimation of it are criticized.


  • In hierdie artikel word kortliks enkele kanttekeninge geplaas by die termopenharing

  • Dit is inderdaad in beginsel moontlik deurdat ons in die kosmiese wetsorde meigoddelike openbaring te doen het

  • God openbaar Homself in die natuur, in sy skeppingswoord en in sy onderhoudingswoord (Rom. 1:19 e.v.), Hy openbaar Homself ook in die Verlossingswoord (Rom. 3:21 e.v.; 2 Tim. 1:9 e.v.), die vleesgeworde Woord - Christus (Matt. 16:17; Joh. 2:11; 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 9:26; 1 Pet. 1:20; 1Joh. 3:5,8), die Skrifgeworde Woord (1 Kor. 2:10-13; Ef. 3:5; 2 Tim. 3:16; 219P7e8t:1. 416:2e0.v.e)..v.) en die verkondigde Woord (Kol. 4:4; 1 Tess. 2:13)

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In hierdie artikel word kortliks enkele kanttekeninge geplaas by die term (skeppings)openharing. \ 2 Die tweërlei openbaring van God Deur die geloof weet en bely ons dat God die wêreld geskep het, en dat hierdie Sicepper-God Horn in sy geskape werke openbaar aan die mens.

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