
P. Meyvaert claimed that traces of a first (oral) version of Gregory’s Moralia in Iob,which was preached, were preserved in Isidore’s Sententiae and in quotations by an anonymousauthor from Bec (Paris, BNF lat. 2342, s. XII). In a philological comparison, evidence isprovided that the Anonymus Beccensis does not quote Gregory’s lost first version, but isdependent on the Collationes of Odo of Cluny, who paraphrased Gregory freely. Isidore, too,cannot serve as a witness for Gregory’s first (oral) version because of his paraphrastictechnique. In a text-critical appendix on Greg. M. epist. 1,41: verbis sensibusque tepentibus,the variant repentibus (“with improvised words and thoughts”) is preferred.

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