
Vie purpose of (his article is lo determine from a philosophical point of view the extent to which socialist and communist organizations in South Africa have been influenced by the changes that have occurred in Eastern Europe. In order to make such an assessment, it is necessary to identify the nature of the events that occurred in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. This aspect is discussed in the first section of this article. Following this it is argued that different socialist and or communist groups have been influenced in different ways by the Easi-bloc events. In order to demonstrate this difference, the way in which three different political groups in South Africa have been influenced will be highlighted. These groups are the AN C (and its partners the UDF and COSATO), the SACP and the Black Consciousness Movements (like AZAPO). In the concluding section a few observations on the implications of the Eastern European changes for the political and economic debate in South Africa are outlined.


  • V ie purpose o f

  • In order to make such an assessment, it is necessary to identify the nature o f the events that occurred in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union

  • Die klem sal veel eerder val op die denkverskuiwings wat in kom munisties- en sosialistiesgeóriënteerde groepe plaasgevind het tot en m et die eerste kwartaal van 1990

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In teenstelling met die oproep van Marx an Engels se Kommunisliese manifes, naamlik " Workers of th e w orld, unite", het ’n s la g sp r e u k van ’n b e to gertydens die 72ste h erd en k in g van die Bolsjewistiese Revolusie wat onlangs in Moskou gehou is, gelui "Workers of the world, we apologize". Agter hierdie slagspreuk skull die opvatting dat sosialisme en k om m u nism e totaal misluk het en d at dit m e e t plek m aa k vir ’n totaal andersoortige politieke en ekonomiese stelsel. Die effek van Sowjel en Oos-Europese veranderin^s op kommunistiese denke sosialistiese en kommunistiese denkraam w erke in Suid-Afrika spesifiek deur die veranderinge in die O o s-E uro pa geraak is. Daarna sal daar aangetoon word dat politieke groepe wat in Suid-Afrika met sosialistiese e n /o f kommunistiese opvattings werk, verskillend deur die O os-blokgebeure bemvloed is. T e n slotte sal daardan ’n a a n ta l opm erkings gemaak word oor die betekenis van die Oos-blokveranderinge vir die politieke en ekonomiese debat in Suid-Afrika

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