
In agreement with the method of historical weight it was hypothesized that the academic leaders of a Faculty of Education (i.e . the five deans who served in the PU for CHE's Faculty of Education in the period 1935-1985) can be regarded as the tuning fork regarding the aims of the science of education practised in that particular Faculty. The Faculty of Education of the PU for CHE celebrated a half-century of academic work in 1985. This article reports on an analysis of the views of the five deans who served (the last one is still serving) in the Faculty, on the aims and the task of the science of education. It was found that interalia one ideal was kept alive by all the deans: to practise education in a Scriptural/Christian way. Also, they all tried to either explain how Scriptural education (Pedagogics) works or what efforts should be con­ trived to ensure this form of scientific work. It was also found that certain developments in the views on the roles of norms and facts in the process of scientific work took place as the years went by and greater in sigh t was gained in the philosophy of (educational) science.


  • In agreem ent w ith the method of h isto rica l w eight it was hypothesized th a t th e academic leaders ofaFacu lty o f Education ( i. e . th e fiv e deans who s e rv e d in th e PU fo r CHE'sFacu lty ofEdu ca tio n in th e p e rio d 1935-1985) can be re g a rd e d as th e tu n in gforkrega rd in g th e aims o f th e science o f education p ra c tis e d in th a t p a rtic u la rFacu lty

  • T h is a rtic le re p o rts on an analysis o f the views o f th e fiv e deans who s e rv e d in th eFacu lty, on th e aims and th e ta s k o f th e science ofedu catio n. It was fo u n d th a t in te r alia one ideal was ke p t alive b y all the deans: to pra ctise education in a S c rip tu ra l/C h ris tia n w ay

  • Th e y all trie d to e ith e r explain how S c rip tu ra l education (Pedagogics) w orks o r w hat e ffo rts should be con­ triv e d to e nsure th is form o f s c ie n tific w o rk

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In agreem ent w ith the method of h isto rica l w eight it was hypothesized th a t th e academic leaders ofaFacu lty o f Education ( i. e . th e fiv e deans who s e rv e d in th e PU fo r CHE'sFacu lty ofEdu ca tio n in th e p e rio d 1935-1985) can be re g a rd e d as th e tu n in gforkrega rd in g th e aims o f th e science o f education p ra c tis e d in th a t p a rtic u la rFacu lty.

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