
The dialogue between image and text in Riana Scheepers's Dulle Griet This article examines the way in which the content and theme of Riana Scheepers’s Dulle Griet (1991) interact with the “manneplot” (traditional and/or stereotypical portrayal of female characters within novels) and with the cover illustration of the book – a detail of “Mad Meg” (as she is often referred to) from Pieter Brueghel’s Dulle Griet (1562). It explores how the women in Scheepers’s short stories are portrayed – not only as vulnerable, but also as evil and corrupt. They are abused victims; but they are also tyrannical abusers. They are innocent maidens and mothers, but also lovers, prostitutes, lesbians and murderers. The way in which the gradual degeneration of the anonymous central female character relates to Brueghel’s image of “Mad Meg” on her way to the jaws of hell is discussed in this article. But the article also demontrates Scheepers’s concern with feminist issues by using the cover as an ironic “frame”, and shows that the moral decline of the women portrayed in the text seems to be as a result of the actions of chauvinistic men, who appear in different forms throughout the text. Female degeneracy can thus be seen as a survival mechanism, in a world – and a text – dominated by the masculine paradigm, the “manneplot” of traditional male attitudes to women.


  • It explores how the women in Scheepers’s short stories are portrayed – as vulnerable, and as evil and corrupt

  • The way in which the gradual degeneration of the anonymous central female character relates to Brueghel’s image of “Mad Meg” on her way to the jaws of hell is discussed in this article

  • The article demontrates Scheepers’s concern with feminist issues by using the cover as an ironic “frame”, and shows that the moral decline of the women portrayed in the text seems to be as a result of the actions of chauvinistic men, who appear in different forms throughout the text

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Inleiding en probleemstelling

Riana Scheepers gebruik die voorblad van haar kortverhaalbundel Dulle Griet (1991) as ’n ironiese raam en sleutel tot die temas en karakters vervat in hierdie teks. Verder word Dulle Griet uitgebeeld as ’n lelike, vervalle ou vrou sonder tande, met ander woorde, net mooi die teenoorgestelde van die geïdealiseerde siening van die vrou in die Renaissance, maar selfs nog vandag, wat beeldskoon, sjarmant en verfynd moes wees en beslis nie aggressief en gewelddadig nie. Ons kan dus verwag dat die vrouekarakters in Scheepers se kortverhaalbundel, waarvan Bruegel se Dulle Griet ’n metafoor is, nie net uitgebeeld word as weerloos nie, maar ook as boos en gekorrupteer. Scheepers tree in talle van dié verhale in ironiese gesprek met hierdie interteks, maar ook met die konvensies van die manneplot, waarin vroue dikwels stereotipies uitgebeeld word: “Wanneer vrouwen (...) de pen opnemen doen zij dat in een culturele ruimte waar de betekenissen al in een bepaalde richting zijn vastgelegd. Het gaat er dan voor deze auteurs vaak om zich ‘los te schrijven’ uit, en zich te verweren tegen, tradities die hen tegelijk ook gevormd hebben” (Meijer, 1996:38)

Die gekondisioneerde man
Chauvinistiese man
Die vrou as slagoffer van geweld
Ongetroude vrou
Die eensame vrou
Vrou as indringer in ’n “man’s world”
Geskeide vrou
Gekorrupteerde vrou
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