
Dialectics between reader and text: A discussion on hermeneutical homiletics The fundamentalist reaction to contemporary theological discourse in South Africa expresses the need for homiletics to give serious attention to the pre-understanding of our existential situation in order to understand the Biblical text for preaching. Empirical research shows that most preachers concentrate on exegesis in sermon preparation, but do not succeed in actualising the message of the text in their own context. In homiletics, the question still remains whether the own context of the reader of a Biblical text should be seen as an integral part of the hermeneutical-homiletical theory. This article argues that there is a creative tension between reader and Biblical text in the hermeneutical process of sermon preparation, provided the two are treated equally. Because either the text or the reader sometimes dominates the process of understanding, a choice is made for an equal dialectical weight of reader and text in hermeneutical-homiletics, referring to H-G. Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur as sources. This approach opens up the possibility of topical preaching as a result of a creative tension between reader and text in sermon preparation.


  • Wanneern mens in die koerant die briewe oor aktuele sake lees waarin mense so fundamentalisties op die huidige teologiese gesprek reageer, besef jy dat die prediking sokkies sal moet optrek om ons lidmate so te bedien dat hulle groter insig in die betekenis van die Bybeltekste in ons eie konteks kry

  • Wanneer hy terugkom tot die hermeneutiese teorie met die oog op preekvoorbereiding in die eie konteks, lê hy die swaarste klem op die ideologiese kritiek aan die hand van die hermeneutiek van suspisie, met die oog opn oop gemoed in die ontmoeting met die teks (Vos 1996:3; Vos 2008)

  • Virn prediker is dit van onskatbare belang om hierdie grondige eksegetiese weg by Vos aan te leer

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Original Research

Affiliation: 1Departement Praktiese Teologie, Universiteit van Pretoria, Pretoria, SuidAfrika. How to cite this article: Pieterse, H.J.C., 2010, ‘Die dialektiek tussen leser en teks: ‘n Gesprek oor hermeneutiese homiletiek’, Verbum et Ecclesia 31(1), Art. Note: Hierdie artikel maak deel uit van ‘n projek met finansiële steun van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting

Die naïewe lees van die Bybel
Die suiwer historiese kritiek
Schleiermacher en die subjektiewe belewing van die saak van die teks
Die dialektiek tussen leser en teks
Hermeneutiese homiletiek gebaseer op Gadamer en Ricoeur
Paul Ricoeur se dialektiek tussen leser en teks
Die liturgiese situasie waarin die preek geskied
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