
The Department of Church History and Church Polity at the University of Pretoria: Past, present and future. At the beginning of the year 2000 the previously separate sections of the Faculy of Theology at the Universiy of Pretoria became a multi-denominational instituion. This development naturally has many implicaions. In this aticle attenion is being given to the past, present and future of the Departement of Church History at the Universiy of Pretoria. The Department of Church History considers this new venture to be a challenging one for teaching, research and communiy service while striving to be internaionally compeitive and locally relevant.


  • At the begbuaing 01the yetlI" 2000 the previously separate sections olthe FtICIIIty 01 TIaeoIogy at the UIliYersity 01 Pretorill bectone II IIfIIltl..denombultiolUll Inst/tutio& T1ds tleveIoplUllllUlturlllly luis "'1lIIY bnp/ktItIoll& III this III1Ide attentioll Is being given to the ptISt, present tuJd jIItuTe 01the lJeptIrteIunt 01 Church HIstory at the UnWenlty 01 Pretorill

  • In 1975 word Philip Blignaut van der Watt professor in en hoof van die Departement Kerkgeskiedenis en Kerkreg, 'n pos wat hy tot in 1989 sou beklee toe hy aangewys is as studentedekaan aan die Universiteit van Pretoria

  • Alhoewel dit ook baie ander fasette ingesluit bet, is daar vir die doelemdes van hierdie artikel daartoe ooreengekom om die Departement Kerkgeskiedenis en Kerkreg ook in die nuwe bedeImg te kontinueer maar weI met net een pennanent voltydse personeellid naamIik ProfJ W Hofineyr

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At the begbuaing 01the yetlI" 2000 the previously separate sections olthe FtICIIIty 01 TIaeoIogy at the UIliYersity 01 Pretorill bectone II IIfIIltl..denombultiolUll Inst/tutio& T1ds tleveIoplUllllUlturlllly luis "'1lIIY bnp/ktItIoll& III this III1Ide attentioll Is being given to the ptISt, present tuJd jIItuTe 01the lJeptIrteIunt 01 Church HIstory at the UnWenlty 01 Pretorill. Uiteindelik sal dit ook ten opsigte van die Fakulteit Teologie in sy geheelgedoen moet word maar in hierdie artikel word alleen gefokus op die nuutgevonnde Departement Kerkgeskiedenis en Kerlcreg.

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