
This paper is a contribution to the current discussion concerning the stratigraphical emphasis of the Tertiary floras of Central- and Northern Europe. The author makes a biostratigraphical analysis, com­paring the richest Miocene flora of Northern Europe (The S0by flora and the Falsterholt- and Damgard floras) with some important Tertiary floras of Central Europe. From Czechoslovakia and its neighbouring countries numerous Tertiary floras are known which, taken together, allow for a general survey of the floral evolution in Central Europe through the Tertiary. The present biostratigraphical analysis is based upon the experience with these fossil floras, the stratigraphical position of which is determined in relation to the system valid for the Paratethys region (ref. Cicha et al. 1975, and generally to the papers of Proc. Com. Medit. Neog. Strat., VI Congr. Bratislava 1975). The comparative analysis involving the S0by flora points to the similarity with floras referred to the stratigraphical interval of Karpatian - Badenian. A more extensive analysis of the relations of the Fasterholt flora and the Damgard flora leads to the assumption that the former is younger than the fossil floras from Wiesa, Wackersdorf, Hriidek, the Mydlovary-sequence (Southern Bohemia), and the Cypris-sequence (Western Bohemia). These fossil floras are older than the Sarmatian. The Fasterholt flora compares best with floras from the Karpatian and Badenian, and the author stresses the relation to the Badenian. This seems in contradiction, but not entirely, with the reference of the Hodde Clay (situated definitely higher in the sequence in question than the Fasterholt flora bed) to the Reinbekian (i.e. Lower Badenian) of Rasmussen (1966). In this analysis the author takes some reservations recognizing some general sources of error, e.g. the unknown effect of the marked difference in latitude and other factors determining the climate and flora.

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