
The Apostolic tradition in the Early Church’s understanding of Scripture and faith – A brief hermeneutical overview. This study is a concise hermeneutical overview of faith’s various ways of understanding and of the different approaches towards Scripture interpretation in the history of the Early Church. The research manifests that historically the Apostolic Tradition of the Early Church, with its ecumenically accepted expression of faith in the Nicene Confession (originating from the Ecumenical Councils of Nicaea 325 and Constantinople 381), offers a foundation towards Church unity and at the same time provides us with a vital hermeneutical key for the Church’s understanding of the scriptures and of her faith.


  • Note: Dr J.P. (Kobus) Labuschagne is research associate of Prof

  • The research manifests that historically the Apostolic Tradition of the Early Church, with its ecumenically accepted expression of faith in the Nicene Confession, offers a foundation towards Church unity and at the same time provides us with a vital hermeneutical key for the Church’s understanding of the scriptures and of her faith

  • Die studie is beperk tot ’n bondige hermeneutiese ondersoek oor hoe daar, op verskillende maniere en gedurende verskillende periodes in die Vroeë Kerk se geskiedenis, in relasie tot die Apostoliese tradisie, oor geloof gedink is en tot verstaan gekom is van die Bybel se boodskap

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Original Research

Affiliation: 1Department of Church History and Polity, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. ’n Teks moet nie uit sy konteks of kontekste uitgelig word nie – tereg sê Jacques Derrida: ‘[T]here is nothing but context, and : there is no outside-the-text’ (Labuschagne 2013:2 van 10). Met die beste bedoelinge ten opsigte van tekste wat ondersoek word, moet die interpretasieproses bedag daarop wees dat tekste enersyds op overte wyse uitdrukking mag gee van hoe daar tot bepaalde verstaan gekom is, en dis dan makliker (die metodologie is opsigtelik), maar andersyds mag tekste ook weer op koverte wyse opereer en die metodologie van verstaan verskuil, en dan word dit veel meer ingewikkeld. Gadamer se kombinasie van verstaan en effek (effek wat die bewussyn tot verstaan gebring het) is egter op verskillende wyses nie iets nuuts in die Teologiegeskiedenis nie. Voorbeelde kan genoem word: Die verstaan van die Vroeë Kerk, Martin Kähler in die negentiende eeu, ook die Nederlandse Etiese Teologie in die negentiende eeu, en dan in die twintigste eeu die Dialektiese Teologie van onder andere Karl Barth en Emil Brunner

Die Vroeë Kerk en die Apostoliese tradisie
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