
Abstract The article analyses Brunner’s attitude towards Zionism from the time when he conceived »Der Judenhass und die Juden«, focussing on his writings on Antisemitism and on questions of German-Jewish belonging. There is something remarkable about the historical moment when Brunner engaged with the question of Antisemitism. Whereas the rise of Antisemitism in the 1870 s prompted a number of Jewish public reactions and analyses, there was a visible decline in their number after the turn of the century. On the other hand, it was by no means extraordinary that Brunner connected his critical reflections on anti-Jewish sentiments with a negative attitude towards Zionism. The radicalism of his position becomes evident, however, in the fact that he treated both the hatred of Jews and Zionism as just two aspects of the same tragedy. While after 1912 his explicit anti-Zionism was, to a certain degree, shared by many members of the »Centralverein«, his position with respect to nation and nationhood tended towards the more radical views of Max Naumann, who associated Jewish identity with German nationalism.

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