
Didanosine, which is a synthetic nucleoside analogue intracellularly phosphorylated to the active metabolite, inhibits the activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase by competing with the natural substrate. Currently, didanosine is mainly provided as an enteric-coated capsule. In vitro, the molecule is active against laboratory strains and clinical isolates of HIV-1 in resting and activated T cells and monocyte/macrophages. Didanosine may select for resistance mutations that may render the drug inactive against the virus; L74V and K65R remain as the main didanosine-related mutations. In vitro, phenotypic susceptibility to didanosine was decreased beyond a defined fold change clinical cut-off (1.7), and it is considered that genotypic resistance exists when five thymidine-associated mutations or four plus M184V are present. In vivo, clinical studies have shown that didanosine retains significant antiviral activity in patients who have up to five nucleoside analogue mutations at baseline. Didanosine is useful in patients with no previous therapy, as well as in experienced patients in whom one or more antiretroviral regimens has failed.Enteric-coated didanosine is taken once daily, its co-administration with food has been recently evaluated and a reduction of the efficacy of the antiretroviral treatment was not observed. Administered with lamivudine (or emtricitabine), it can be considered a good alternative for use in the nucleoside analogue backbone included in combination therapies for antiretroviral-naive patients. Didanosine could be used in initial treatments for patients intolerant of zidovudine, abacavir or tenofovir. It can be included in once-daily combination regimens, which are more convenient and patient friendly.Prospective, observational and open-label studies, as well as clinical trials (with durations between 24 and 96 weeks), have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of didanosine plus lamivudine (or emtricitabine) plus efavirenz (or nevirapine) in previously untreated HIV-1-infected patients. The administration of didanosine to treatment-experienced patients has been evaluated in two different contexts: patients in whom previous therapies have failed (rescue therapy) and those with controlled viraemia who are switched to a didanosine-containing regimen for simplification.Adverse events associated with the administration of didanosine have been well known since the initial clinical trials with the drug. Gastrointestinal intolerance, peripheral neuropathy and hyperamylasaemia/pancreatitis were the most frequently reported. In the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era, the rate of adverse events has decreased. The tolerability of didanosine has been clearly improved with the development of the enteric-coated capsule. Severe manifestations of mitochondrial toxicity, including lactic acidosis and abnormal fat distribution, are rare complications, and occur most frequently when didanosine is used in combination with stavudine.

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