
This article addresses the issue of teaching Judaism for students in the teacher-training programme and those training to become clergy in a Swedish milieu. A major challenge in the secular post-Protestant setting is to pinpoint and challenge the negative presuppositions of Judaism as a religion of legalism, whereas the student’s own assumption is that she or he is neutral. Even if the older paradigms of anti-Jewish stereotypes are somewhat distant, there are further patterns of thought which depict Judaism as a ‘strange’ and ‘legalistic’ religion. Students in the teacher-training programme for teaching religion in schools can in class react negatively to concepts like kosher slaughter, circumcision and the Shabbat lift. Even if the explanatory motives vary, there is nonetheless a tendency common to ordination students, relating to a Protestant notion of the Jewish Torah, commonly rendered as ‘Law’ or ‘legalism’. This notion of ‘the Law’ as a means of self-redemption can, it is argued in the article, be discerned specially among clergy students reading Pauline texts and theology. This analysis shows that both teacher-training and textbooks need to be updated in accordance with modern research in order to refute older anti-Jewish patterns of thought. As for the challenge posed by the simplistic labelling of both Judaism and Islam as religions of law, the implementation of the teaching guidelines concerning everyday ‘lived religion’ enables and allows the teacher to better disclose Judaism, Christianity and Islam as piously organised living faiths rather than as being ruled by legalistic principles.


  • This article addresses the issue of teaching Judaism for students in the teacher-training programme and those training to become clergy in a Swedish milieu

  • Students in the teacher-training programme for teaching religion in schools can in class react negatively to concepts like kosher slaughter, circumcision and the Shabbat lift

  • Even if the explanatory motives vary, there is a tendency common to ordination students, relating to a Protestant notion of the Jewish Torah, commonly rendered as ‘Law’ or ‘legalism’. This notion of ‘the Law’ as a means of self-redemption can, it is argued in the article, be discerned specially among clergy students reading Pauline texts and theology

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Håkan Bengtsson

Abstract This article addresses the issue of teaching Judaism for students in the teacher-training programme and those training to become clergy in a Swedish milieu. Even if the explanatory motives vary, there is a tendency common to ordination students, relating to a Protestant notion of the Jewish Torah, commonly rendered as ‘Law’ or ‘legalism’ This notion of ‘the Law’ as a means of self-redemption can, it is argued in the article, be discerned specially among clergy students reading Pauline texts and theology. Jag vill karaktärisera lärarstudenters inställning till judendom som öppen där dock en del judiska seder uppfattas negativt, medan präststuderande har en mer utpräglat negativ förförståelse av vad man förstår vara den judiska lagen. Det religiösa land­skapet i Sverige har förändrats vilket inneburit att frågan om religiös praxis har kommit i fokus, samtidigt som åsikterna om religion polariserats. Detta beror delvis på politiska agendor, men också på oförståelse och okunskap om vad olika religiösa seder och traditioner betyder och innebär

Religion och förändring i Sverige
Judendomen i läroböcker
Stereotyper och tankefigurer
Religionsämnet i svensk skola
Religion som något annorlunda och reaktionärt
Islam och judendom som måltavlor för religionskritik
Lärarstudenter om judendom
Utmaningarna med kosherslakt och omskärelse
Staten Israel och Förintelsen
Religion som tro eller levnadsmönster?
Judendom för präststudenter
Jesus som jude
Paulus och lagen
Lag eller evangelium
Sammanfattande utblickar
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