
The process of creating multimedia message is a very specific creative act, a kind of art with universal characteristics, but with its unique tendecieses. In its ideal form, art usually targets the indefinite, while the message follows predictable targets in the short period of time. The art of creating a successful message is in decoding the meaning of that message. The essence of concept of multimedia message is hidden in its formula because the whole physionomy of that message and the volume of expected effect depend on the formula. It is the base for building up tipological, graphic and music concepts. Global development of informational and comunicological technologies catalyzes diversificiation of platforms for distribution of audiovisual contents. multimedial message allows more supstantional contents, and its main goal is to convince a reciptient. modern technologies transfer the pedagogical knowledge and form contemporary visual culture within the recipients. The use of contemporary technologies asks for particular principles. This paper is focused on didactical principles used in the process of creation of multimedia messages.

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