
"The article is devoted to the didactic principles of the formation of intercultural communicative competence in the teaching of the Kazakh language. Intercultural communicative competence at the initial stage of learning. The article defines the «didactic position», the proposed structure of the developed didactic principles and its main components. It includes four interrelated basic blocks: target, methodological, technological, evaluation criteria. The target block defines the general didactic purposes and tasks, needed to reach it. The methodical block offers appropriate approaches and principles of the process of teaching the Kazakh language to students. The technological block highlighted the methods that should be used in teaching the Kazakh language students. Didactic principle is a comprehensive model of learning and the basis for the development of methods of forming intercultural communicative competence of students beginning to learn the Kazakh language and Kazakh culture. Criteria for assessing the level of formation of intercultural students communicative competence is being developed. The article also outlines the didactic conditions for the successful implementation of these didactic principles. "

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