
The government of Silvio Berlusconi of Italy decided on 6 December 2001, to move forward with a project called the Experimental Electromechanical Module (MOSE) for mobile flood barriers at the inlets of the lagoon of Venice to protect the city from storm surges. This project is not only much debated for its environmental impacts, but it could also become rapidly obsolete in the event of a near‐future sea‐level rise.The Experimental Electromechanical Module project consists of 79 mobile gates at the three inlets to the lagoon. These will be closed when the tide height threatens to reach the level of 1.10 m above the mean sea level (MSL) of the period 1884–1909; that is, about 0.87 m above present MSL. The 20‐m‐long gates will lie on the floor of the lagoon inlets in normal times, but can be raised to partially seal the openings by injecting compressed air.

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