
The δ 13C carb record of well preserved carbonates in outcrop and core is here examined from the 2.6 to 1.9 Ga old basins of Western Australia. These data, which are constrained by a well defined stratigraphic and tectonic framework, and by U–Pb zircon ages, provide an insight into the variables coincident with the evolution of an oxidative atmosphere and the evolution of the early biosphere. In the latest Archaean (ca. 2.6 Ga) the secular δ 13C carb curve is flat much like that seen in the later Palaeoproterozoic basins of Northern Australia (<1.8 Ga). This implies that photosynthesis was a major component of the biosphere at that time and that the carbon mass balance was stable. In the early Palaeoproterozoic, beginning after 2.5 Ga and continuing until at least 1.9 Ga, the δ 13C carb the curve is much more dynamic, with significant positive and negative excursions, including a major positive excursion (+9‰ pdb) close to 2.2 Ga. These excursions can be correlated with the Lomagundi event identified in Africa, Europe and North America. Previously published studies of the overlying Meso- to Palaeoproterozoic Bangemall basin and of 1.8–1.5 Ga old basins in northern Australia suggest that the δ 13C carb curve became relatively monotonic again after ca. 1.8 Ga and remained so for most of the following Mesoproterozoic. Comparisons with data from other ancient cratons, especially Africa, suggest that the secular carbon curve may be even more complex than presently understood and probably comparable to the major excursions seen in the Neoproterozoic. When the Western Australian data are placed in their stratigraphic and tectonic framework we find that the monotonic latest-Archaean curve coincides with a tectonically quiescent period in which carbonates formed in an basinal setting on a craton surrounded by passive margins. The data are consistent with an earth in which the carbon mass balance was in equilibrium. The δ 13C carb curve began to oscillate following the onset of glaciation as the Pilbara and Yilgarn Cratons began to converge during the Capricorn Orogeny suggesting periods of rapid carbon burial during continental dispersal. However, the major positive excursion is preserved in carbonates from back-arc basins formed as the ocean closed and subduction began. Since similar tectonic processes can be recognised, not only in Northern Australia but also on other early cratons, it can be argued that the carbon excursions relate to supercontinent cycles and to major periods of mantle overturn and superplume development. We explain this coincidence of carbon isotopic excursions and tectonism by the sequestration of carbon during ocean closure with organic-rich passive margin sediments containing isotopically light carbon subducted into and stored in the lower crust and mantle. The global ocean thereby became enriched in isotopically heavy carbon, releasing oxygen to the atmosphere. A second stepwise increase in atmospheric oxygen in the Neoproterozoic may also have been connected with the assembly of Rodinia. This second event has been associated with the development of multicellular life and the evolutionary ‘Big Bang’. Between the two events the carbon cycle, and to some extent the biosphere, appear to have entered a period of prolonged evolutionary stasis. This implies that the evolution of both the atmosphere, and the biosphere, may have been driven forward by planetary evolution, implying that biospheric evolution has largely been driven by the dynamo of earth's tectonism and its long term survival depends upon these endogenic (thermal) energy resources. If this is so it has fundamental implications, not only for life on earth, but for the more general problems surrounding the likelihood of life having evolved on other planetary bodies. Small planets with insufficient endogenic energy resources to sustain the crust/mantle interactions of plate tectonics (such as Mars) seem to us unlikely to have allowed evolution beyond single-celled life forms. Once a planet's energy resources are expended the biosphere would most likely enter a prolonged stasis and ultimately face extinction.

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