
Feminism is about the equality of every women in the independent society. Feminism has many types on it but it is mainly classified as three major categories they are, i) Main stream / Liberal ii) radical iii) cultural. The plot line of Jane Austen Emma does not comes under feminism because this play is about the mismatching of pairs which is guessed by Emma. In this novel we can’t able to see the dominance of male gender towards women. Women also given right to enhance their own decision. Emma was the last published novel of Jane Austen , novel of manner genre has be used in this novel. At the second part of 18th century, Jane Austen used novel of sensibility in her work. She used irony, indirect speech style and also about realism. All Jane Austen’s novel female characters will be brave, bold, strong and ultimately, they will not be liked distorted characters. And also, they will live in every incident of the novel. In Jane Austen novel women will be playing the leading role rather then men, they will be given major preference. In 1973, According to “EDNA STEEVES” Jane Austen was not a bold woman because she never closely examined the social situation. Does Jane Austen belong to feminist writer?

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