
To evaluate the effect of the chromosome arm number on the yield of dicentric chromosomes, frequencies of γ-ray-induced chromosome aberrations were examined with peripheral lymphocytes from three different primate species, Saimiri sciureus (arm number, 77), Macaca fascicularis (arm number, 83) and Nycticebus coucang (arm number, 99). Irradiated blood samples were cultured by the same standard technique as that commonly used for human lymphocytes. The yields of dicentrics and dicentrics plus rings at doses of 100, 200 and 300 rad of γ-irradiation were not significantly different among the three species, in spite of the difference in the chromosome arm number. Furthermore, dose-response relationships for these species were consistent with that for man. Statistical analysis indicated that the expected dicentric yields calculated from the arm number model were significantly different from the observed yields at 200 and 300 rad doses ( P<0.01). From these results it can be pointed out that there is no correlation between the yield of dicentrics and the effective chromosome arm number, and that the chromosomal radiosensitivity of these primates is essentially the same as that of man, at least in the lymphocyte system.

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