
To the Editor: —Arthur L. Fisher (The Journal, October 24, p. 1324), San Francisco, takes good exception to the article on Action of Diathermy in Calcified Subdeltoid Bursitis, by Dr. Joseph F. Harris (The Journal, October 10, p. 1134). In that article Dr. Harris reports only one case. Dr. Fisher also cites the well known occurrence that for some unknown reason the calcification of bursae sometimes disappears without treatment. This could hardly be the situation with Dr. Harris' case, the symptoms of which condition existed seven years. I have had a few cases of this condition to treat in which diathermy plus static brush discharge has been used, and at the meeting of the American Academy of Physiotherapy in New York during September, 1923, eleven such cases were reported. All the roentgenograms and their diagnoses, both before and after treatment, were made outside my office, some of them having been

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