
The adult females of all 49 species of Diaspididae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) known from New Zealand, except the tribe Leucaspidini, are described and illustrated. The 1st- and 2nd-instar nymphs of all the endemic species and of 4 Australian species that are of systematic interest are also described and illustrated. Four new genera, Anzaspis , Pellucidaspis , Pseudodonaspis, and Serenaspis and seven new species are described. Two genera, Fusilaspis and Symeria, are reinstated and redescribed. Hence there are twenty endemic species in ten genera and eight Australasian species in six genera. In addition, there are twenty-one cosmopolitan adventive species in fourteen genera. Nomenclatural changes are as follows: Chionaspis angusta Green and Pseudaulacaspis cordylinidis (Maskell) are transferred to Anzaspis n.gen.; Pseudaulacaspis phymatodidis (Maskell) is transferred back to an earlier combination as Fusilaspis phymatodidis (Maskell) and Pseudaulacaspis dubia (Maskell) is a new junior synonym of F. phymatodidis ; Pseudaulacaspis epiphytidis (Maskell) becomes the senior synonym of Andaspis asteliae (Green) and is transferred to Pellucidaspis n.gen; Lepidosaphes lactea (Maskell) is transferred to Poliaspis Maskell and P. argentosis Brittin becomes a junior synonym of P. media Maskell; Natalaspis leptocarpi (Brittin) is confirmed as Poliaspoides leptocarpi (Brittin); Trullifiorinia minima (Maskell) becomes the senior synonym of Pinnaspis dysoxyli (Maskell) and is transferred to Serenaspis n.gen.; Scrupulaspis intermedia (Maskell) and Eulepidosaphes pyriformis (Maskell) are transferred to Symeria Green. In addition, Fiorinia drimydis (Maskell) is considered a nomen dubium because the only specimens available are 2nd-instar male nymphs of an unidentifiable Leucaspis species. Keys to allow separation of adult females of all genera and species are included. Earlier work carried out on the Diaspididae in New Zealand is briefly reviewed. Biology and life cycle, scale cover formation, natural enemies, distribution, host plant associations including galls, and economic importance are discussed. Methods are given for slide-mounting Diaspididae as used in the New Zealand Arthropod Collection. Morphology and terms are detailed for adult females, male and female 2nd-instar nymphs, and 1st-instar nymphs. Lists of plant hosts, material examined, and georeferenced collection localities are included as appendices. Checklist of taxa Genus Abgrallaspis Balachowsky, 1948 cyanophylli (Signoret, 1869) Genus Anoplaspis Leonardi, 1898 maskelli Morrison, 1922 metrosideri (Maskell, 1880) Genus Anzaspis Henderson n. gen. angusta (Green, 1904) new comb. candida Green, 1905, Chionaspis cordylinidis (Maskell, 1879) new comb. gahniae Henderson n. sp. Genus Aonidiella Berlese & Leonardi, 1896 aurantii (Maskell, 1879) Genus Aspidioides MacGillivray, 1921 corokiae (Maskell, 1891) Genus Aspidiotus Bouche, 1833 nerii Bouche, 1833 Genus Aulacaspis Cockerell, 1893 rosae (Bouche, 1833) rosarum Borchsenius, 1958 Genus Carulaspis MacGillivray, 1921 juniperi (Bouche, 1851) minima (Signoret, 1869) Genus Diaspidiotus Berlese in: Berlese & Leonardi, 1896 Quadraspidiotus MacGillivray, 1921 ostreaeformis (Curtis, 1843) perniciosus (Comstock, 1881) Genus Diaspis Costa, 1828 boisduvalii Signoret, 1869 Genus Furchadaspis MacGillivray, 1921 zamiae (Morgan, 1890) Genus Fusilaspis MacGillivray, 1921 phymatodidis (Maskell, 1880) reinstate comb. dubia (Maskell, 1882), Pseudaulacaspis new syn. Genus Hemiberlesia Cockerell, 1897 lataniae (Signoret, 1869) rapax (Comstock, 1881) Genus Kuwanaspis MacGillivray, 1921 pseudoleucaspis (Kuwana, 1902) Genus Lepidosaphes Shimer, 1868 beckii (Newman, 1869) multipora (Leonardi, 1904) pallida (Maskell, 1895) pinnaeformis (Bouche, 1851) ulmi (Linnaeus, 1758) Genus Lindingaspis MacGillivray, 1921 rossi (Maskell, 1891) Genus Parlatoria Targioni Tozzetti, 1868 desolator McKenzie, 1960 fulleri Morrison, 1939 pittospori Maskell, 1891 Genus Pellucidaspis Henderson n. gen. epiphytidis (Maskell, 1885) new comb. asteliae Green, 1929 new syn. Genus Pinnaspis Cockerell, 1892 aspidistrae (Signoret, 1869) Genus Poliaspis Maskell, 1880 chathamica Henderson n. sp. floccosa Henderson n. sp. lactea (Maskell, 1895) new comb. media Maskell, 1880 argentosis Brittin, 1915 new syn. raouliae Henderson n. sp. salicornicola Henderson n. sp. Genus Poliaspoides MacGillivray, 1921 Natalaspis MacGillivray, 1921 leptocarpi (Brittin, 1916) Genus Pseudaulacaspis MacGillivray, 1921 brimblecombei Williams, 1973 eugeniae (Maskell, 1882) Genus Pseudodonaspis Henderson n. gen. mollyae Henderson n. sp. Genus Pseudoparlatoria Cockerell, 1892 parlatorioides (Comstock, 1883) Genus Serenaspis Henderson n. gen. minima (Maskell, 1884) new comb. dysoxyli (Maskell, 1885), Pinnaspis new syn. Genus Symeria Green, 1929 Eulepidosaphes Borchsenius & Williams, 1963 Scrupulaspis MacGillivray, 1921 intermedia (Maskell, 1891) new comb. leptospermi (Maskell, 1882) new comb. phyllocladi Henderson n. sp. pyriformis (Maskell, 1879) new comb. Genus Trullifiorinia Leonardi, 1906 acaciae (Maskell, 1892)

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