
The Southern Cross Province in the Archean Yilgarn Block of Western Australia comprises large dome-shaped granitoid bodies surrounded by narrow greenstone belts. Determination of the emplacement mechanism of these domes is fundamental for understanding the tectonic history of this region. Many structures in the greenstone belts show trends which reflect their tectonic relationships with the granitoid domes. Some of these structures host large gold occurrences. The domes have concentric foliation patterns, both within the granitoids themselves, and in the neighbouring greenstone belts. The smaller domes only have radial mineral lineation patterns in their wall rocks, but the largest dome, the Ghooli Dome, has also a tangential pattern. The prevailing gentle dip of the foliation in the centre of this dome and the abundance of greenstone xenoliths suggest that the present exposures are close to its roof. Geothermometry and geobarometry on mineral assemblages in the Ghooli granitoid and its xenoliths show that its crystallisation temperature was just above 700 °C at a relatively high pressure of 4.3 to 6.2 kbar. These P-T conditions are higher than those inferred for peak metamorphism in the greenstones. Therefore, this granitoid must have been emplaced initially at crustal levels deeper than the maximum burial of the greenstones which flank the dome. The Ghooli Dome has a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 2691 ± 7 Ma. Diapiric rise of the granitoid plutons taking place in a regional compressive tectonic regime is considered to be the most likely mechanism for the final emplacement of these bodies into their host rock at about 2636–2620 Ma. This concept is preferred over the alternatives because it best reconciles the calculated P-T data, the observed structural patterns, the presence of pegmatites and aplites in the host rock, and the orientation of the mineral-bearing structures.

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