
The femur fractures usually happen with oomph forces like motor vehicleaccidents. Objectives: To assess the mode of injury and complications of the management, indiaphyseal femoral fractures, in comparison of close versus open intramedullary interlockingnail (IMN). Study Design: Experimental and comparative study. Period: April 2013 to March2014. Setting: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Peoples University of Medical & Healthsciences, Nawabshah. Methods: The cases were divided into two groups A and B. Group Awas treated by open nailing (n = 20) and group B by close nailing (n = 20), all the cases wereoperated within 48 hours of admission. All the data were recorded on well structured proforma.Serial radiographies were performed at 3, 6, 12 weeks, and 6 months; additional radiographieswere performed as needed postoperatively. Knee, ankle, and hip motions were begun andprotected weight bearing was started on the second day postoperatively and increasedgradually to full WB depending on x-ray findings of callus formation. The patients were followedfor two years. Results of open and closed I.M.N were assessed and the complications if anywere observed over a mean follow-up period of two years. Results: The mean age in groupA was 29.40 years and the mean age in group B was 30.45 years. Out of 40 cases, 32(80.0%)were males with male to female ratio 1:4. Mean ± SD hospital stay was 19.80 ± 14.60 days ingroup A, and 17.90 ± 5.95 days in group B (p value 0.55). Average time between injury andadmission was 1.53 days (n = 40), in the group A it was 1.05 days, and in the group B it was2.0 days (p value 0.03). The average of time between injury and operation in the group A was8.75 days, and in the group B, it was 8.20 days, (p value 0.71). The average of time betweenadmission and discharge in the group A was 11.0 days, and in the group B was 9.15 days,(p value 0.55). Mean ± SD union time was 11.70 ± 6.45 weeks, in group A and 11.90 ± 5.77weeks, in group B. (p value 0.91). All the patients had full ranged of hip motion and 2 (10.0%)patients of group A had mild limitation of knee motion with a flexion ranges between 80 and110 degrees. Final functional results based on Thoresen BO criteria16. Excellent results wereobserved in 19 (47.5%) cases, out of them 5(25.0%) were in group A and 14(70.0%) were ingroup B. Good results were found in 13(32.5%) patients, out of these 7(35.0%) were in group Aand 6(30.0%) were in group. Fair and poor results were detected in 4(10.0%) cases of group A.Conclusions: Road traffic accidents by motorcycle was found the commonest (47.5%) causeof femur fracture, a few complications were observed in open interlocking nailing as comparedto closed interlocking nails.

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