
To seek a method to reliably measure phrenic nerve conduction time (PNCT) with magnetic stimulation we investigated two stimulus sites, placing the magnetic coil at the cricoid cartilage (high position) or close to the clavicle (low position). We also compared compound muscle action potential (CMAP) recorded from three different sites: in the sixth to eighth intercostal spaces in the anterior axillary line (Ant-a); in the 8th intercostal space close to the midclavicular line; and with one electrode at the lower sternum and the other at the costal margin. Fourteen normal subjects were studied. The PNCT measured by magnetic stimulation in the high position recorded from (Ant-a) was 7.6+/-0.6 on the left side and 8.4+/-0.7 on the right. The PNCT recorded from all three sites become much shorter when the magnetic coil was moved from the high to the low position. Our results show that PNCT can be accurately measured with magnetic stimulation when care is taken to avoid coactivation of the brachial plexus.

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