
An effective approach to reduce tool wear remains a long-standing challenge in using diamond-cutting ferrous metals. To achieve this objective, we explored a new method of cold plasma and ultrasonic elliptical vibration-assisted diamond cutting. The method consisted of flexible cold plasma generator conveniently transferred cold plasma to the tool-workpiece interface, and an ultrasonic elliptical vibration precisely controlled system vibration characteristics. Molecular dynamics simulation was employed to study the graphitization process of Fe catalytic diamond. By diagnosing the active species of the plasma jet and analyzing the reaction process of plasma with fresh workpiece surface, we demonstrate the inhibition mechanism of nitrogen cold plasma to the diamond tool chemical wear. Intermittent cutting characteristics of ultrasonic elliptical vibration change the value and direction of the cutting force and are conducive to exclude chips. This feature therefore reduces the cutting temperature and then retards the graphitization process of the diamond. These results establish a new cutting technology that combines the advantages of vibration cutting and surface modification and provide a cutting medium that targets the effective reduction of tool wear for diamond-cutting ferrous metals.

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