
Diamond-based quantum computers could potentially operate at room temperature with optical interfacing, but their construction is challenging. Silicon carbide, used widely in electronics, may provide a solution. See Letter p.84 A point defect in diamond known as the nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) centre has generated a great deal of interest because it has a highly localized electronic spin state with quantum properties that can be easily accessed at room temperature. The search is on for similar defects in other semiconductors that are easier to grow and process into devices than diamond, or that offer alternative functionalities. Here Koehl et al. describe a new range of defect spin states in silicon carbide that can be optically addressed in the telecommunications wavelength range and coherently controlled up to room temperature. Their spin coherence properties are comparable to those of the diamond N-V centre, and silicon carbide is a material for which extensive microfabrication processes already exist in the semiconductor industry. These materials are therefore promising candidates for photonic, spintronic and quantum information applications.

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