
Previous research has suggested that arterial aneurysm might result from a systemic tendency to dilatation. This systemic effect would involve both arterial and venous dilatation. The authors investigated whether venous grafts implanted to bypass popliteal artery aneurysms (PAA) had larger diameters than those implanted to treat peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). They compared representative diameters of 20 vein grafts implanted for PAA with matched bypass grafts implanted for PAOD. Graft diameters were obtained by means of CVI-Q M-mode ultrasound imaging. Each PAA patient/graft was matched to an equivalent PAOD patient/graft based on the patient's gender and age and the vein graft type and distal anastomosis. Secondarily, graft proximal anastomosis was matched in 60% (12/20) of the cases. Age was matched if the difference was < or = 4 years. Average age at the time of surgery was 68 +/-12 years for PAA and 68 +/-13 for PAOD groups. There were 11 reversed greater saphenous vein (GSV), 2 nonreversed GSV, and 7 in situ GSV in each group. Distal anastomoses were at the popliteal (15), peroneal (3), posterior (1), and anterior tibial (1) arteries in each group. Matching was not possible for lesser saphenous and cephalic vein grafts or bypasses to the tibial-peroneal trunk. Graft diameters were significantly larger for the PAA group, 6.24 +/-0.66 mm (standard deviation), than for the PAOD group, 5.73 +/-0.69 mm (p < 0.02, Mann-Whitney U test). Of 10 bypasses with diameter >6.5 mm, 8 were implanted for PAA. If these 10 largest bypasses were eliminated from the calculations, the mean graft diameters were 5.82 +/-0.51 mm and 5.57 +/-0.52 mm for the PAA and PAOD groups, respectively (p = 0.28). Bypass grafts implanted in PAA patients had significantly greater diameters than grafts implanted in PAOD patients. This finding, however, was due to a subgroup of grafts with diameters >6.5 mm. Perhaps systemic abnormalities associated with PAA should be first studied in patients with large vein grafts or large original veins.

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