
The diamagnetic concentric loop method in the HL-2A tokamak is described in this article. The system consists of two concentric poloidal loops with different areas enclosing the plasma column and a short time constant differential integrator, RC < 1 ms. The diamagnetic flux in HL-2A ranges from 1 mWb to 2 mWb for typical discharges with plasma current Ip = 100-400 kA. The integrator output ranges from 0.1 V to 0.2 V with time constant RC = 0.5 ms, and differential area ΔS∕Sout ≈ 7%. Using hybrid analog-digital compensation, the integration drift can be well compensated within 5 mV∕10 s, which can meet the requirement of the concentric loop system. In this method, the measurement of differential area ΔS is not required. The vacuum toroidal flux can be compensated by adjusting the resistance in the integration circuit for several discharges with toroidal field only, which minimizes the additional error produced by a measurement of differential area. The diamagnetic concentric loop system improved the signal to noise ratio by using the short time constant integration. The system with a resolution of ±0.2 kJ can be used to study rapid changes in plasma stored energy, such as the additional power absorbed by the plasma, and the energy loss caused by edge localized modes.

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