
PSI (Personal Sequential Inference Machine) is being developed as a research tool for the FGCS (Fifth Generation Computer Systems) project, and SIMPOS (Sequential Inference Machine's Programming and Operating System) is also under development.In this paper, we present the dialogue management component of SIMPOS. We describe and discuss the background, design, implementation, and future at our work. The window system and the Coordinator, along with the bitmapped display and mouse cursor controls, are the primary means of managing the dialogue between the user and SIMPOS.We assume the users of PSI to be computer professionals, and dialogue management is being designed accordingly. High performance, low overhead, and allowances for customization and expansion are among our design and implementation goals. The entire system is implemented in ESP (Extended Self-contained Prolog), an enhanced logic programming language incorporating an object/class methodology similar to that of Smalltalk-80.

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