
This paper takes its cue from the question of the possibility of a genuine be-ing-with (Mitsein) within contemporary multicultural scenarios and it investigates how philosophical dialogue could represent a fitting educational strategy to culti-vate those habits of thinking and behaviour that are needed for the project of a real living together. This inquiry is situated within a cosmopolitan perspective that, on the one hand, valorizes some educational insights of Martha Nussbaum and, on the other, endeavours to re-balance some risks of universalistic excess in her conceptual device. In this horizon, the author appeals to David Hansen’s educational cosmopolitanism, which is re-interpreted as a form of alien humanism culminating in an inward (Chris Higgins). The proposed reflection on the structural interlacement of philosophical dialogue and educational cosmopolitanism converges on a re-visitation of the approach of the community of philophical inquiry in Philosophy for Children, whose epistemology is examined in order to distil its potential in terms of education as cosmopolitanism

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