
According to the first method of the first Griffing model, the system of crosses included, according to the evaluation presented in the previous sections, 8 self-pollinated lines of corn (F 502, UH 405, CM 5-1-1, MA 22, UHC 409, CO 255, KL 17, CO 108), which were characterized by different indicators of grain yield, resistance to pests and the length of the growing season. Total genotypic variability was divided into components that are due to general and specific combination ability, as well as reciprocal effects. In terms of resistance to damage by the corn borer, the best combination ability was found in lines F502, CM 5-1-1, UH 405 and UHC 409, which were marked by negative values of the effects of total combination ability. According to our research, the UHC 409, СО 108, МА 22 and F 502 lines, which had negative values of the effects of hall combinatorial ability over the years of research, were noted for the best resistance in terms of combinatorial ability to be affected by vesicular smut. In terms of resistance to flying smut, self-pollinated lines with high negative values of the effects of hall combination ability - CM 5-1-1, CO 108, UHC 409, MA 22, F 502 and UH 405. As shown and evidenced by the results of comparing the obtained values of the effects of the total combination capacity of self-pollinated lines on resistance to pest damage and disease with the values of the effects of the total combination capacity on grain yield, it is advisable to note such self-pollinated lines as UH 405, F 502 and CM 5-1- 1. These lines combine the negative values of the effects of the hall combination ability on pest damage and disease with high positive effects of the hall combination ability.

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