
Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is a current research hotspot. Most existing methods usually export discriminative features with low-quality distribution and low information utilization, which may induce classification performance degeneration. To remedy such deficiencies, we propose a diagonalized low-rank learning (DLRL) model for HSI classification in this study. Specifically, a classwise regularization is used to capture the classwise block-diagonal structure of low-rank representation, which can further cluster the represented HSI pixels from one class into the same subspace and extract features with well-ordered distribution. Such a regularization assists to easily and correctly classify HSIs. In addition, we combine sparsity and collaboration to extract more discriminative features for guaranteeing high information utilization, i.e., a tradeoff of sparsity and collaboration is sought to acquire both correlations among HSI pixels and characteristics of each pixel. By this way, rich information in the HSI can be fully used for good feature extraction. Further, the estimated feature representation is used as an input to the support vector machine (SVM) classifier for HSI classification. Extensive experiments have been done to validate that the proposed DLRL method achieves much classification performance in contrast to several state-of-the-art algorithms.

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