
With a technical approach, this diagnosis aims to fill a gap in the overview of the activity, considering its technical aspects that manage the fishing effort of shrimping of Penambuco. From October 2013 to August 2014, the fishing grounds were identified used in this activity, as well as the fishing method, the number of boats and fishermen acting, type of boat and gears used. Analyses were performed with the major communities operating in this fishery (Recife, Jaboatao dos Guararapes, Barra de Sirinhaem and Sao Jose da Coroa Grande). The analyzes of the catch were tested using one-way ANOVA (α 5%). They observed two traditional types: the beach seining and trawing. It was cataloged about 50 vessels in the activity, with approximately 100 fishermen. They are caught mainly three types of shrimp: pink ( Farfantepenaeus spp.), Seabob ( Xiphopenaeus kroyeri ) and white ( Lithopenaeus schmitii ). Statistical data concentrated in the metropolitan area of Recife and Barra de Sirinhaem. There seems to be a direct relationship rainfall with shrimp production because with increased rainfall, there is a higher volume of landing fishery. Barra de Sirinhaem is the main area used in the State. Keywords: ‘mangote’; trawling fishing; pink shrimp; Farfantepenaeus spp.


  • With a technical approach, this diagnosis aims to fill a gap in the overview of the activity, considering its technical aspects that manage the fishing effort of shrimping of Penambuco

  • Analyses were performed with the major communities operating in this fishery (Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Barra de Sirinhaém and São Jose da Coroa Grande)

  • Statistical data concentrated in the metropolitan area of Recife and Barra de Sirinhaém

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Frota Entre os anos de 2008 e 2012, foram catalogadas cerca de 50 embarcações na pesca de arrasto no litoral de Pernambuco, distribuídas entre as cinco principais comunidades que atuam nesse tipo de pescaria (Recife Brasília Teimosa; Jaboatão dos Guararapes - Barra de Jangada; Barra de Sirinhaém; Tamandaré e São José da Coroa Grande), com aproximadamente 100 pescadores envolvidos nessa atividade (de dois a três por embarcação). Distribuição das embarcações que operam na pesca de arrasto camaroeiro com portas no litoral de Pernambuco, com o número de pescadores por embarcação e a sua respectiva área de atuação. S.J.C.G - São José da Coroa Grande; LN - Litoral Norte; LS - Litoral Sul. S.J.C.G - São José da Coroa Grande; LN - North Coast; LS - South Coast

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