
Choroidal lymphoma is a rare disease and can be classified into primary and secondary choroidal lymphomas. Primary choroidal lymphoma is a low-grade extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma and secondary choroidal lymphomas present ocular manifestations of disseminated systemic lymphomas. Typical clinical features of choroidal lymphoma are multifocal, yellow-whitish choroidal infiltrates. The vitreous body is usually clear and cell-free. Choroidal lymphoma has a tendency to extend through the sclera. In contrast to primary choroidal lymphoma, which is more often unilateral, does not show signs of anterior segment involvement and has a slow progression, secondary choroidal lymphoma is more often bilateral, has a rapidly progressive course with anterior segment and vitreous involvement and belongs to the high-grade lymphomas. The definitive diagnosis of choroidal lymphoma can only be confirmed by histopathological examination of biopsy tissue. The choroidal biopsy is the gold standard in the diagnostics of choroidal lymphoma. To date, no standardized treatment for choroidal lymphoma has been established. The treatment modalities include external beam radiotherapy, immunotherapy with rituximab and chemotherapy. The prognosis for survival of primary choroidal lymphoma is usually good. The prognosis of secondary choroidal lymphoma depends on the malignancy grade of systemic lymphoma.

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