
The atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is a homogeneous non-equilibrium discharge at ambient pressure. It operates with a noble base gas and a percentage-volume admixture of a molecular gas. Applications of the discharge are mainly based on reactive species in the effluent. The effluent region of a discharge operated in helium with an oxygen admixture has been investigated. The optical emission from atomic oxygen decreases with distance from the discharge but can still be observed several centimetres in the effluent. Ground state atomic oxygen, measured using absolutely calibrated two-photon laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy, shows a similar behaviour. Detailed understanding of energy transport mechanisms requires investigations of the discharge volume and the effluent region. An atmospheric pressure plasma jet has been designed providing excellent diagnostics access and a simple geometry ideally suited for modelling and simulation. Laser spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy can be applied in the discharge volume and the effluent region.

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