
Subject. The article addresses treats to the economic security of Russia’s regions in conditions of large-scale introduction of information and communication technologies. Objectives. The purpose is to explore problems of assessing the level of economic security of regional systems, analyze the impact of digitalization on systemic risks and threats to territory development. Methods. The developed approach rests on methods of statistical data processing, the criterion of the shortest distance to the optimum, methods for constructing a fuzzy set and membership function, aggregation of indicators given the probability of occurrence of events. Results. I obtained statistical estimates of the level of economic security and risk of the regions of Yenisei Siberia. The paper establishes the fact of rising risks and a decrease in the level of economic security of the territories, taking into account the influence of digitalization processes. Conclusions. Processes of digital transformation entail an increase in risks and threats to economic security. This problem is particularly acute in the territories that have a smaller margin of safety in terms of parameters and indicators of socio-economic development.

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