
Rehabilitation of patients after acute cerebrovascular accident or severe traumatic brain injury is one of the priority areas of modern medicine. Motor disorders occur in 77–81 % of patients after stroke. The development of spasticity in the lower limb in the early recovery period contributes to the deterioration of the rehabilitation prognosis and potential, limits the volume of voluntary movements, creates difficulties in patient care, reduces daily activity, creates difficulties in wearing orthoses, and reduces the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. The article discusses aspects of the pathophysiology of spasticity in focal brain damage, discusses the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment of spasticity in the lower limb. demonstrates results of evaluation of spasticity in the lower limb using clinical scales, as well as the results of monosynaptic testing in dynamics in patients in the early recovery period after focal brain damage. The obtained data allow us to conclude that the combined use of several diagnostic techniques allows the earliest verification of spasticity in the lower limb in a patient. Discussed, that botulotoxin therapy can be used as the most targeted and effective method of treating spasticity in the lower limb after focal brain damage as part of complex therapy.

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