
This study evaluated the diagnostic value of CD34 and CD117 immunohistochemistry(IHC) and megakaryocyte morphology in Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). In this study, CD34-positive individual cells (Type I) and small clusters (Type II) were observed in most cases (91.2%). Type II CD34-positive was seen in 24 (49%) MDS cases, and positive percentage was higher than in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) or aplastic anemia (AA). Type II CD117-positive were observed in 44 (89.8%) MDS cases and Type I were observed in 5 (10.2%) MDS. Type II CD117-positive percentage was higher than in AML or AA. Megakaryocyte counts were normal or increased in most MDS cases except one. Although megakaryocyte counts of AML and AA were predominantly decreased, Most MDS patients (81.6%) had abnormal megakaryocyte, whereas almost none of megakaryocyte abnormality was found in AML and AA. In conclusion, combined detection of CD34 and CD117 and observation of megakaryocyte count and morphology are useful for the diagnosis of MDS.

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