
The aim of the research is to set hormonal and lipid indexes as diagnostic markers of metabolic syndrome in intercommunication with its complications, such as coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 as the compensated and decompensated stages.Material and methods. Interdependence of endocrine and lipid exchange indexes for patients with a metabolic syndrome assotiated with chronic coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 as the compensated and decompensated stage was studied in research. 163 patients with a metabolic syndrome were inspected. Depending on a presence or absence of the assoсiated pathology, three groups formed. The first group was represented by patients with a metabolic syndrome in combination with chronic coronary artery disease, second group — by patients with chronic coronary artery disease and compensated diabetes mellitus type 2, that arose up on a background of a metabolic syndrome. Third group was represented by patients with chronic coronary artery disease and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2 on a background of a metabolic syndrome. The levels of cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, prolactin and lipid spectrum indexes were determined. Result. According to results of research, first and second groups were characterized by normal cortisol and prolactin levels and statistically significantly increased thyroid-stimulating hormone level. Statistically significantly increased cortisol and prolactin (in women) levels and the normal thyroid-stimulating hormone level were diagnosed in patients of the third group in comparison with the control and second groups. An amount of free thyroxine in patients of all groups was at the level of control values. Patients with chronic coronary artery disease and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2 on a background of a metabolic syndrome differed from previous groups by the changes of lipid spectrum: the statistically increase of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels at the reliable decrease of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. The cross-correlation analysis confirmed differences between the groups of the compensated and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2 in association with coronary artery disease on a background of a metabolic syndrome. Correlation connection between the parameters of lipid spectrum, cortisol, prolactin and by a thyroid-stimulating hormone was observed at the patients of the second group. The patients of the third group didn’t have intercommunication between these indicated indexes, correlation was educed only between a cortisol and prolactin (for women). Conclusion. Levels of prolactin, cortisol and thyroid-stimulating hormone at a metabolic syndrome change, depending on the presence of the associated diseases. The normal cortisol and prolactin levels and increase level of thyroid-stimulating hormone was educed in patients with metabolic syndrome with chronic coronary artery disease and also at a metabolic syndrome with chronic coronary artery disease and compensated diabetes mellitus type 2. Increase of cortisol and of prolactin (for women) levels at the normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone was observed at a metabolic syndrome complicated by chronic coronary artery disease and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2. Correlation between indexes of lipid exchange and hormonal status was educed at МС complicated by chronic coronary artery disease and compensated stage of diabetes mellitus type 2. This correlation does not appear at a metabolic syndrome with chronic coronary artery disease and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2. Thus, the changes of the higher indicated hormones play role of diagnostic markers of decompensation of the investigated pathological processes and accompanied by the corresponding changes of lipid spectrum.


  • Мета роботи — встановити гормональні та ліпідні показники як діагностичні маркери метаболічного синдрому у взаємозв’язку з його ускладненнями, такими, як хронічна ішемічна хвороба серця та цукровий діабет 2‐го типу компенсованої та декомпенсованої стадій

  • Interdependence of endocrine and lipid exchange indexes for patients with a metabolic syndrome assotiated with chronic coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 as the compensated and decompensated stage was studied in research. 163 patients with a metabolic syndrome were inspected

  • Third group was represented by patients with chronic coronary artery disease and decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2 on a background of a metabolic syndrome

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Мета роботи — встановити гормональні та ліпідні показники як діагностичні маркери метаболічного синдрому у взаємозв’язку з його ускладненнями, такими, як хронічна ішемічна хвороба серця та цукровий діабет 2‐го типу компенсованої та декомпенсованої стадій. Пацієнти з хронічною ішемічною хворобою серця та цукровим діабетом 2-го типу в стадії декомпенсації на фоні метаболічного синдрому відрізнялися від попередніх груп змінами ліпідного спектра, а саме значимим збільшенням рівня холестерину, тригліцеридів, ліпопротеїдів низької щільності, ліпопротеїдів дуже низької щільності, при достовірному зниженні рівня ліпопротеїдів високої щільності. Оригінальні дослідження ішемічною хворобою серця та цукровим діабетом 2‐го типу виявлено нормальний рівень кортизолу і пролактину при підвищеному рівні тиреотропного гормону.

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