
The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the modern period of the development of Ukrainian society is characterized by important reforms that are due to the European direction of the development of our state, and this determines the corresponding changes in the presentation of educational and methodological material, taking into account especially all external extreme and non-standard events, to which, accordingly, I have already become accustomed the educational process in Ukraine (the open invasion of the Russian Federation and the global pandemic of COVID-19). This dramatically changed the conditions in which the process of obtaining higher education is carried out, taught students and students to work remotely, use various platforms for obtaining educational and methodological materials, led to the implementation of various forms of education (using Zoom, E-Learn, Moodle, Google-Class , Campus and other platforms). Educators try whenever possible, taking into account the level of danger, to conduct classes in various forms of education. The system for evaluating the educational activities of higher education graduates also needs corresponding changes, the main criteria of which should be transparency, objectivity and uniformity. The purpose of the study is to characterize the diagnostic technology for determining the levels of formation of health-saving competence among bachelors of humanities and pedagogical faculties in the educational environment of the university. Objectives of the study: 1) To determine the peculiarities and the need to create diagnostic technologies based on the use of ICT for assessing the level of competence development of higher education students; 2) To characterize the author's diagnostic technology for assessing the level of formation of health care competence among bachelors of humanities and pedagogical faculties in the educational environment of higher education institutions. Methods used in the work: a) analysis and generalization of information sources; b) compilation of received information; c) modeling, design and development of diagnostic technology using innovative technologies to assess the level of formation of health-saving competence among bachelors of the humanitarian and pedagogical faculty of NUBIP, which will be an effective and efficient tool for evaluating the results of the educational process in the conditions of the educational environment of the university, which is carried out under the long-term influence external negative extreme factors. Results: The analysis and generalization of information sources indicate that: 1) the use of innovative technologies for evaluating the results of professional training of future bachelors in the educational environment of higher education institutions is especially relevant in the conditions of the systematic long-term destructive influence of such factors as the COVID-19 pandemic and the open military invasion of the Russian Federation, which caused changes in the implementation of the process of professional training of specialists and assessment of its quality in accordance with the existing critical conditions; 2) the author's diagnostic technology for assessing the level of formation of health-preserving competence among bachelors of humanities and pedagogical faculties in the educational environment of higher education institutions is characterized (according to such structural components as motivational-value, cognitive, health-forming and organizational-management and assessment levels such as (unsatisfactory, sufficient, optimal, progressive)). All these methods became the basis of the computer program «Health-Start.Up». We see research prospects in the approbation and implementation of the author's proposed technology of pedagogical evaluation in the process of professional training of future bachelors of humanitarian and pedagogical faculties.

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