
Thirteen fungal species has been recognized that associated with four generation grains from cross of barley (Beckson  Arivat), deferent species were reported in four generation grains (F1, F2, and back crosses Bc1 and Bc2): Alternaria alternata, Alternaria raphani, Aspergillus flavus, Chaetomium sp., Cladosporium sp., Candida albicans, Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Staphyllium sp., Penicillium sp. . The most frequent fungus in grains of four generations was Rhizoctonia solani followed by Penicillium sp. , The F2 generation was the most frequent in species, followed by Bc1 and Bc2 finally.


  • ‫ كانــــت هــــي الأعلــــى مقارنــــة‬Penicillium sp. ‫ و‬R. solani ‫الفطــــرين‬ ‫ وهــذا يتفــق مــع‬%63.33 ‫ببــاقي أنــواع الفطريــات إذ وصــلت النــسبة المئويــة إلــى‬

  • Thirteen fungal species has been recognized that associated with four generation grains from cross

  • different species were reported in four generation grains

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