
We sought to evaluate the diagnostic value of echo-enhanced transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCD) and the clinical relevance of vascular pathology assessed by sonography for early clinical outcome in acute ischemic stroke. We present 23 consecutive patients with an anterior circulation stroke in whom clinical examination, CT, and ultrasonography were performed within 5 hours after the onset of symptoms. Transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) and unenhanced and contrast-enhanced TCCD (Levovist, 4 g, 300 mg/mL) were compared for their ability to detect middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion and flow velocity reduction suggesting hemodynamic impairment in the MCA distribution pathway. Sonographic examination times were registered. Baseline clinical characteristics and CT findings were assessed. Neurological deficit was quantified according to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, with an early clinical improvement defined as decrease of the score by 4 or more points or a complete resolution of the deficit on day 4. Contrast-enhanced TCCD enabled diagnosis of intracranial vascular pathology in 20 affected hemispheres, whereas unenhanced TCCD and TCD were conclusive in 7 and 14 hemispheres, respectively (P=0.0001). Contrast-enhanced TCCD was superior in evaluating distal carotid (carotid-T) occlusion and differentiating major vessel occlusions from patent arteries with flow velocity diminution. Mean examination time for enhanced TCCD ranged from 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the number of investigated vessels (without or with MCA branches). Logistic regression selected a patent MCA without reduced blood flow velocity as the only independent predictor for an early clinical improvement (P<0.01). Contrast-enhanced TCCD is a promising tool for early prognosis in anterior circulation stroke. It is considered superior to unenhanced TCCD and TCD.

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