
The Blood Transfusion Centers (B.T.C.) are mainly concerned with the selection of CMV infection free blood donors, the screening of the anti CMV antibody high titre plasma donors and the evaluation of specific anti CMV Immunoglobulin preparations. Various serological methods could be used but they are of different value depending the purposes of the B.T.C. The neutralization test (Nt), with the addition of complement is specific and detects the protecting AB against the glycoproteins of the viral envelope. The complement fixation test (CF) using extracts of CMV infected cells as antigen largely varies in its sensitivity according to the quality of the antigen. In any case, the CF test is not sensitive enough to detect a latent CMV infection in a certain percentage of the non immunosuppressed adults, but could be used for the selection of anti CMV antibody high titres carriers. Three sensitive methods: passive haemagglutination, indirect immunofluorescence and indirect ELISA tests, might be used for the detection of latent CMV infections. They detect various AB against various internal and external components of the CMV. They are submitted to various sources of errors. The sensitivity of the indirect IF test is mainly restricted by the quality of the antigen preparation, its specificity by the presence of anti cells antibodies in the sera, the Fc receptors in the antigens and the specificity of the conjugates. The indirect ELISA which is submitted to the same causes of errors is a highly sensitive test, easy to perform, reagents are available, and automatic processors have been developed. When compared with the previous techniques, the ELISA test is suitable for the screening of CMV free donors, when it is performed with an highly sensitive antigen. It could be also used for the screening of high antibody titre carriers: its correlation with the CF test is quite good (r = 0,82). When comparatively applied to the titration of Immunoglobulins preparations, made from plasmas or placentas, for either IM or IV administration, the Elisa test gives AB titres different from those obtained with Nt and indirect IF. The calibration of a standard Immunoglobulin reagent is urgently needed and double blind clinical assays of the protective effect of various preparations of specific anti CMV Immunoglobulins have to be promptly designed.

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