
Urticaria is etiologically heterogeneous disease, where the main clinical sign is a wheal. For the duration of the disease course secrete acute and chronic urticaria. If urticaria elements in the skin of the patient are observedfrom several hours to 6 weeks, it is classified as acute urticaria, cutaneous if the process continues for more than 6 weeks, it is a chronic urticaria. The aim of our work was the optimization of diagnosis of chronic urticaria on the basis of the study of clinical and allergological and immunological characteristics of the testing results. The study involved 60 patients between the ages of 18 to 73 years with confirmed clinical diagnosis of chronic urticaria. The study was conducted in the clinic of skin and venereal diseases ofI.M. Sechenov First Medical State Medical University. Conducted clinical and anamnestic examination: medical history, assessment of complaints, determining the severity of urticaria (UAS7), quality of life (CU-Q2oL, DLQI), control of the symptoms of urticaria (UCT); laboratory tests: clinical blood test, C-reactive protein, thyroid hormones and antibodies to thyroid structures, tests to exclude physical urticaria, autologous serum skin test, D-dimer, rheumatoid factor, eosinophil-cationic protein, the total of IgE, antinuclear antibodies , C3 / C4 complement components, protein fractions, coagulation, urinalysis, general analysis offeces, feces on eggs of worms and protozoa. The study was conducted within 1 month and included diagnostic consultation period and 5 consultations every 7 days. Identified specific clinical and laboratory features that can be assigned to the diagnostic criteria for autoimmune form of chronic urticaria, which will continue to pick up these patients rational treatment. The high prevalence of urticaria, a variety offorms of the disease, the presence ofpathology predominantly in patients of working age, often ineffective diagnostic actions cause the urgency of the problem and the need for further study of this disease.

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