
The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) is nowadays based on the sequential use of several diagnostic tests rather than on a single test. These diagnostic strategies are safe and have been prospectively validated. The first step after identifying patients with suspicion of PE is to establish the pre-test clinical probability. Several scores are available in order to make a standardised and reproducible assessment of the clinical probability, and therefore represent precious diagnostic tools. Indeed, clinical probability guides further investigations. Indeed, in patients with a low or an intermediate clinical probability or an “unlikely” probability, PE can be safely ruled out by negative D-dimers in approximately one third of outpatients without additional imaging. In case of positive D-dimers and a high clinical probability or a “likely” clinical probability, CT pulmonary angiography is now the recommended imaging technique. However, lower limb venous compression ultrasound and ventilation/perfusion scans remain useful in patients with contra-indications to CT, mainly those with renal insufficiency. Finally, some novel diagnostic tests seem promising. For example, V/Q SPECT has arisen as a highly accurate test and a potential alternative to CTPA. However, prospective management outcome studies are still lacking and are warranted before its implementation in routine clinical practice.

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